Livetouch Design

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Studio Livetouch is an architecture and interior design studio united by a call to create meaningful spaces that enrich the world

Dominika Wojtkowska Banaszek is the owner and talented designer here few words of introduction about her creations in her own words.

I have established Livetouch Design Studio as a platform where I can express my profound interest in the perpetual transformations that surround us. In architecture and interior design, permanence is an elusive concept.

Each creation invites a discussion between emotions, creativity, and the quest for harmony in crafting your envisioned space. Given the fluid nature of our preferences, it is all too common to stray from the compromises we once embraced. Amidst the endless array of hues, textures, and forms, my quest is to uncover a reflection of your essence. A successful endeavor results in a sanctuary that resonates with your soul—a place you will proudly christen as home. I urge you to trust me, as I hold your unique sentiments for a space you will cherish in the highest regard.